Saturday, November 29, 2008

The day after Black Friday!!!!

Becca and I went out last evening for our date night. We went out to eat, then we went shopping for a bit. Not even Christmas shopping, but shopping for business pants for her. We marveled at how some, maybe I should say most, Mexican women will bring small toddlers with them, that they cannot even pick up. In the check out line, in front of us there were two women and a small child, riding in a small child shopping cart. While we were checking out, these two women stepped to the end of the check out lane, trying to get their shopping bags in order. When we were finished, trying to make our way around them, we noticed the one trying to lift this child out of the shopping cart. Needless to say, I think we had made it to our van before they could get him out of the cart. Not that he was stuck, but they just could not lift them. Becca said she sees this all the time. You would think with all the experience of carrying their husbands, they would be able to lift a small child.

1 comment:

Queen Mum said...

Sadly, there are a lot of people in charge of little ones who are not physically capable of caring for them. I taught CPR for daycare providers, and if they couldn't lift the manikin (child-sized) up to a table, or kneel down to the child; I would not certifiy them. If your fat exceeds the length of your arm, you need some serious help.