Friday, January 30, 2009

So Far, so good............

As many of you know, for the last few weeks Becca and I have been training to do my Hemo Dialysis at home. Tuesday, a day of ice and freezing rain, we started for the first time, at home. The nurse who trained us was here for the whole treatment. Wed., was the first time just Becca and I did everything on our own, except for the kids being at home. Becca is doing great, she sticks me with the needles, 15 ga needles to be exact. But for never having given a shot, she now has to hit a blood carrying graft in my arm. To me, I feel more comfortable having her stick me than I did at the Dialysis Center. She may tell you differently, but as far as I am concerned, she is doing great.
Both Becca and I worried about the kids being around all of this, especially Connor. He saw me once on Dialysis in the hospital, turned white and started to faint. Luckily, Becca rushed him to the hallway turned him upside down, before he actually did. But Connor has been doing great with this at home, as well as the other childre are.

Monday, January 19, 2009

I started thinking, with all my spare time..... work that is. I wrote a letter to members of my family today, to tell them some memories I have of each individual one and why they are special to me. It really made me think of the small things, of those I know, that make them special to me. It may not be something big, like being a parent or a spouse or a child. It is the small things they have done that have somewhat captured me, that is what makes them special. Not just the one thing, but all the small things they do make them special.
I have a niece, Kristin, who one trait I love about her, is she is brutally honest. This has done me more good than she will ever realize, but still this is what makes her so special to me. So sit back, take a few minutes out of your day and think about all of those people and the small things they do, that makes them special to you.

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

A New Year is Upon Us

What a way to start a new year, tired. Becca and I have started training for Home Hemo Dialysis. The training, I think will go much faster than the nurse thinks. Becca is doing great, she stuck me for the first time today. I thought she did great sticking the needles in my arm, she didn't hesitate at all. She didn't hit the graft today, but according to the nurse, she was right on top of it. Once she gets the feel for how deep it actually is, she will have no problem. Anyhow, training starts at 6:00 am, so both of us can make it to our jobs. I moved my hours up, so I now get off work at 6:00 pm. We have only been doing this for two days now, but those are long hours for both of us. Luckily my Mom is here helping out with Theron during the day.