Monday, September 8, 2008

I was reading a story in Readers Digest

About this man who had cancer on the back of his tongue. The story followed through what he went through with all the different treatments. It told what drove him to beat this cancer, even though the pain of his throat and the sickness that came with the Chemotherapy. I have never given it this much thought, as to how I was going to beat an illness. My question to whoever reads this, is, What would it take from you to beat an illness?


Laura said...

I don't have experience with cancer...but I do have experience with chronic pain that the doctors told me would never go away without removing whole organs. It is scary, and it takes finding resolve again and again to not let it get you down, to continue to research and not believe everything your local doctors tell you, to not become hopeless (which is easy to do), to research and research everything out there and learn everything you can about your body and how it works and the illness that plagues you etc. It takes continuing friendships of those who support and love you no matter what, and having the courage to walk away from those that take from the relationship more than they give. Most importantly it takes more faith than you've ever had to have, to KNOW that Heavenly Father is there and sends angels to walk beside you and your family daily.

pappasan said...

I can think of alot of reasons beat an illness. I have never given it much thought, but this article has really made me think. It use to be me, just wanting to prove the Doctors wrong, which by the way has been many times. Now, I have a wonderful family, that makes me want to beat anything that may happen. I listen to Doctors, but in the same sense, Doctors do not know what an individual is capable of. Mind over matter is a wonderful thing.

Laura said...

Was that the question? All it takes is thinking about my family! sorry about all the blah blah before that didn't answer the question you were looking for lol =). I guess something else is a desire to do things I haven't been able to do or accomplish yet.....

Anonymous said...

I have learned that motivation to beat a problem can be difficult, but giving up is not always an option. I have learned to pray for patience more than a cure. I have learned to appreciate the fact that my body has sensations and some are not pleasant, but they are felt. I have learned empathy for those with chronic problems. I have learned that you cannot see most of the problems that people have. I have learned to put my trust in God, not doctors. You are in charge of your health, they are advisors who are, indeed, "practicing". They can get you some good drugs, though!--of which you must be wary.
What does it take to beat a disease? Everything you've got and God's will.

Anonymous said...

I think staying healthy is easier than trying to recover from any illness. I understand that you can fall ill despite all efforts to the contrary, but I also know that if you are working to stay healthy, recovery will be much easier. There are many reasons to work toward recovery and most of them have already been mentioned.