Monday, September 29, 2008

Father and Son campout

This past Friday, Chance, Connor, Theron, Adam and I went on a Father-and-Son campout. We camped at a Scout camp about 25-30 miles away. There is no lake at this campsite, but alot of trees and hills to hike through. Friday night, the Bishopric supplied hotdogs and buns for all of us to eat. Then around 8:30 we had a great fireside lesson by the First Counselor of the Bishopric. It was a great fireside, his use of the lanterns and the glow sticks to show the younger kids how their light can shine, was a great lesson. Afterwards, he gave out glow sticks to the younger children, 5 and under. Theron wanted his flashlight more than he wanted a glow stick. The older boys played capture the flag until 11:00pm, when they finally decided to call it a night. The next morning the Boy Scouts provided breakfast for everyone, Egg and sausage burritos. One of our High Priests made pull aparts, over the fire, in Dutch ovens. MMMMMM, they were good. We then all participated in a race to find all of these notes left around the campsite. Apprx. 2.1 square miles with 25 words to find. Adam, Connor, Theron and I came in second. It was much more fun than the last few, where we all just hung out, with nothing planned for the group. Theron did real well on his first campout, without Mommy. He had a lot of fun, got really dirty. All in all, everyone had a great time.


Anonymous said...

I'm so glad you guys went. You needed some dirty male bonding time. Theron needed some time away from Mommy and vice versa.

Laura said...

I'm glad you guys had so much fun! The last few father son campouts here have been cancelled due to no planning, or weather. Maybe next year =). It sounds like your ward really had it together this year, and I know the boys will remember it forever =)

Queen Mum said...

The amount of dirt acquired on a campout is in direct relation to the amount of fun! Next year will be even better!