Friday, April 17, 2009

Decisions to make....

Becca and I are planning a trip to South Dakota for my God Son's High School Graduation. It was just gonna be Becca, myself and Theron going. The older kids found out we were going, we didn't think they would be going, being so late in the school year. The older kids have not been there in 2 years and all of them, except Connor, want to go badly. So Becca told them to get a signature from all their teachers, that they are doing good in their classes. The day after, Chance had all of his signatures. Sara is desperate to have her mother write a note to her teachers, so she can just hand them the note. Connor said he does not want to make that long of trip. Ivy gave Becca her big sad puppy eyes, when she hear we were going.
So our decision is whether or not we should take the kids with us, take them out of school for a week or not. I do want to go, my nephew is pretty special young man. He has been offered an Academic Scholarship to one University, at another University he has been offered a partial Scholarship to play football. He was one of 10 graduating students, in the State of South Dakota picked for some award. This is for his 4.0 GPA, his leadership and the sports he did. Before I moved to Texas, I was able to spend quite alot of time with him, I really would like to go and take the kids, we are just not sure what to do.


Queen Mum said...

Take the ones who want to go and are willing to do the make-up work at school. Leave the others at home.

Laura said...

leave the gun take the cannoli =) - oh sorry - you didn't want the answer The Godfather would give? lol seriously, this is one of my struggles as well. I always want to take my kids out of school to do this or that, and never do. I liked queen mum's answer =). Good luck and keep us posted on what you decide.

Anonymous said...

I say we compromise. Three of us go in May, Seven in June or July. If camp schedules allow maybe we could be there for your birthday.