Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Happy Birthday Theron

As many of you read a Sumo's Blog, Theron turned 4 last Friday. We celebrated his birthday with cake and gifts. He could have cared less as to how many presents he was given, instead he opened the one he really wanted first. A Spiderman costume, a one piece Spiderman outfit with the hood and mask seperately. He went and put that on Friday night and didn't take it off till Saturday night or Sunday morning. He even went shopping with Becca and the kids while wearing it. Connor and Sara were extremely embarrassed about the whole shopping experience with Spidy. His other gifts he does play with, but Becca and I are starting to think that maybe Chance likes playing with those toys even more.
On Sunday when Grandpa and Grandma and Biffy, Abby and Josh came over for supper, Biffy made another birthday cake for Theron. We were gonna have cake and sing Happy Birthday to Theron as our treats for Family Home Evening. Needless to say, Theron had been napping and we almost had to postpone the cake. Just as G&G&B&A&J were getting their coats on to leave, then he decided to come out. So they took off the jackets and had birthday cake.


Laura said...

I lol I like the cake story from Sunday lol =), and the image of spider man going shopping =) - too cute =).

rock pup said...

it was pretty funny and sara was extremly emmbarased she kept trying to make him hide or take off the mask lol!! but he didnt. connor was emmbaresed just a little bit, and i just went along with it. lots of people seemed to notice that spidy was in town especialy the little kids, lol!! so yeah we had a ton of fun on that shopping trip lol!!