So I finally gave in to the guys at work and took over a Fantasy Football team. I have to admit, it is fun. I never thought it would be, but it ends up being more like a game of chess, played over 16 weeks. My team is not doing so well, but since I took over, my record is now 1-2. I should have won the last game, but we at home, usually do not get on the Internet on Sundays. I found out on Monday, one of my players got sick Saturday night and went to the Emergency room, with a stomach virus. Anyhow, all of the bye's for teams are coming up now. I have been able to improve my team, cause I do not have any byes for awhile, so I picked up some good players while the other team owners were scrambling to fill a vacant spot.
This is not all I do for fun. As most of you know, Becca is in school. On Tuesdays and Thursdays, she has class and we miss each other by 15 minutes or so, but wave at each other as we pass. I am just getting home from Dialysis. So for the fun part, Theron of course misses his mommy when she gets to go to class and he has to stay home. What is fun is being able to bring those things, he likes to do, and do them with him. After awhile he will sit with me and hold my hand. The other night, Ivy was taking a trash bin from the street to behind our fence. Theron asked me to go outside the front of the house with him. He then proceeded to want to go for a short walk. He grabbed my hand and we just walked down the street, with him telling me about the moon and stars. Later that evening I was having a little trouble getting him to get ready for bed, until I told him we had to hurry so we could hide before Mommy got home. I was able to get him all dressed in pj's and ready to go to bed, when we heard the garage door open. Theron then ran and jumped in our bed, scrambled under the covers, telling me I also had to climb under the covers to hide from Mommy. It may not sound like much, but being able to be with him through these years, especially, has been a wonderful blessing. To think back to when I was in a different department and working looonnnngggg hours, there were times I thought he didn't even know who I was.
So, most of my fun comes from my children. I know I have only listed Theron at this time, but thinking of how all of them were at this age, it is difficult not to list only him. He comes up with new and funny things everyday. Last night, he told me he was a Transformer, and showed me how he transforms into a car. He made some pretty funky movements then knelt down, then finally got himself curled up into a ball on his elbows and knees. That was his car, I had to laugh, He actually looked like and old VW BUG that way.
Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese Salad
7 years ago
How come you get to have all the fun while I'm slaving away at school?
I only really get have fun like this when you are in school. I don't think I get to have all the fun. You have Rex Quan Duh, to make fun of. And the girl who wears workout clothes, but you can tell she doesn't work out at all. Only in Texas do women who shouldn't wear workout clothes, wear them.
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