I hear people lately complain of Obama's old ties to the Muslim faith. It is sickening. What have we become, as a nation? Example, the extremist Muslims hate the United States and freedoms we enjoy, not to mention pretty much everything our Country stands for. Now we have our own extremists doing the same thing. They say it is different. Somewhat it is, Muslims who are not part of the extremists, have no problem with us. Which in turn is a large percentage of them. But our large percent no longer can trust a Muslim.
I read a story not long ago, sorry I cannot remember where I read it, but it was about a Young man, whose parents legally immigrated to the USA. He grew up and eventually gave his life for his country, while fighting in Iraq. He was quoted in this story as saying, "This country has given us such a better life, it is time for me to give back". He was killed serving his country, while looking house to house, for the extremists. He also was Muslim. Was he not trusted by his fellow personel? Yes he was, as a matter of fact 6% of our Armed Forces are Muslim.
I am not saying I believe in the Muslim Religion. I am saying we are not the one soul who should be judging people to begin with. There was and is only one who has that sort of power. It is not the President of the United States, it is Jesus Christ, our Saviour.
Butternut Squash and Goat Cheese Salad
7 years ago
Just one thing to add, this country was founded on, and I believe for the express purpose of (if one believes it was founded by the hand of Almighty God), freedom of religion. Not freedom of our religion and noone else's. We allow others the privilege of worshipping how, what and who they may, right? Not to say that I am voting for Obama. Also note that one is not in control of the religion one is "born" into. Obama's mother was not muslim and took the time to expose him to ALL faiths and many cultures. His religion or past religion is NOT an issue with me.
I agree sumo girl =). Comments like ones you are talking about Ben, touch a nerve. My grandmother lived in an internment camp for three years because our country feared that Japanase american citizens would give american secrets to Japan. My great uncle left from the internment camp to serve in the army during WWII and yet, they were not to be trusted. I understand why the country did what it did - but it was still wrong. I guess what I am saying, is my thoughts regarding voting for Obama do not reside with the fact that he was born a Muslim, and I don't like those comments either.
Laura, what really bother me, is I know everyone of these people who are against Obama because of religion, have all gone through school and know our Constitution. The other thing how this Election bothers me, is how everyone thinks just one man can make this huge difference, like he was becoming King. It still takes those people we send to Washington, to make these changes.
my sentiments exactly Ben. *sigh*.
You know Laura, I hate saying this, but there is a word for how people are treating Obama's past. I am not going to say it, though. I agree with you as to how we as a Country treated the American Japanese. And if we say this about Obama, are we then any better than the KKK? We would then be playing on the KKK's level. I am not sticking up for Obama, I have to agree with many of the things Matt has said. I still have issues with his ideas, though. I am still up in the air on who I will vote for.
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